Peer Recovery Support

Peer Recovery Support

What is a peer specialist?

Certified peer specialists are individuals with lived experience trained to share their own stories of recovery and resiliency. They engage and inspire individuals to plan for what is important to them in their everyday life.

What services are provided by peer specialists?

  • Assist in the development of strengths-based individual goals
  • Serve as an advocate, mentor, or facilitator for resolution of issues that a peer is unable to resolve on their own
  • Develop community support
  • Provide education on ways to maintain personal wellness and recovery
  • Provide education on navigating the mental health system

What can peer support help with?

Addiction, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, etc.

Who can make a referral?

Referrals can be made by the individual themselves, family members, health providers, schools, and other community resources.

How to request the services of a certified peer specialist

Submit a referral


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